I am running out of reading material. Please comment if you have any more suggestions for ED books! xxx

Saturday 27 November 2010

The Anorexia Diaries

By Linda M. Rio and Tara M. Rio, with advice and commentary by Craig Johnson Ph.D

Note: The picture isn't really revelevant, but I couldn't find a good picture to represent girls having to have more body fat than boys. So instead... we will throw rocks in our anger that nature isn't fair! Also - I have no idea why I can't change the Authors names so that they are not vertical.

This was similar to 'Biting Anorexia' in the style, but even more dragged out, made up of diary entries which where pulled straight from er, their diaries. Some people's diaries are well written in the first place, and very to the point and artistically descriptive, such as Emma's in 'To Die For.' These, however, were not. The only bit possibly worth reading was the commentary, from which I dug out the following information:

‘...The average girl is expected to gain 40 pounds in the 4 years between the ages of 11 and 14. Normally, girls will again about one-third of their adult body weight during these 4 years...’

‘...Most women have to maintain 17 per cent body fat to menstruate and 22 per cent to be fertile. Essentially, body fat in women is out species’ way to control the population. If there is a famine, women’s body fat drops and they become infertile...'

‘...Boys cannot reverse puberty by reducing body fat in the same manner as girls. This is one of the reasons the disease primarily affects girls...’


  1. Oh jeez indeed! I am guessing I was about 77lbs when I was 11, which means by age 14, I should have been 117lbs. That would make sense if I stopped growing then, because at 5'1", that would give me BMI of I'm guessing about 22? But that would mean that people should reach their final adult weight at age 14, which isn't true...

    And even if you argue that I am shorter than average and I calculate the second sentence instead; one third of 117 is 39lbs. So it still doesn't make sence.

    Hmm... Yeah I agree that 40lbs is a bit of an exageration!


About Me

My photo
Durham, County Durham, United Kingdom
(November 2010) > I am taking a year (or two) out of university to recover from an eating disorder; originally diagnosed as restricting anorexia 7 years ago, but has more recently morphed into BN non-purgeing type/ BED/ COE/ EDNOS / whatever you want to call it. I thought I would write a blog to give me a kind of project to work on, mainly giving an insight into the Eating Disorders books that I have read and any interesting articles/videos I find. However, there may be some updates on my life and thoughts once in a while. My quest is to understand these disorders, although I know the best I can do is to keep on researching xxx Update (2012): I have now returned to uni.


Pictures (not mine)

Tattoo one taken from: