I am running out of reading material. Please comment if you have any more suggestions for ED books! xxx

Monday 29 November 2010

The Owl was a baker's daughter

Obesity, anorexia nervosa and the repressed feminine, a psychological study by Marion Woodman.

I am still confused as to what the owl has to do with anything... I must have missed something. Feminist books tend to irritate me, but as they go, this was a good book. I don't like books that spend the whole time blaming everything on the fact that females aren't treated as 'equal'. I agree we should be treated as equal, but I think you've got to be careful not to go beyond 'making a valid point' into the valley of 'oh, poor poor us, our needs have been battered down'. I don't care if it's true, I do not want pity.

However, some good quotes from the women she interviewed:

‘Sometimes when I am watching others eating and I am not, I feel morally free. I don’t have to eat. They do. Other times I feel morally inferior because I am tyrannized by weight... They are free. I am not.’

‘I am selfish, but I hate to be thought selfish. I throw up a smokescreen of politeness in order to be liked...’

'...It is sick to wish for the suffering to come back just so I can feel alive.’

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About Me

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Durham, County Durham, United Kingdom
(November 2010) > I am taking a year (or two) out of university to recover from an eating disorder; originally diagnosed as restricting anorexia 7 years ago, but has more recently morphed into BN non-purgeing type/ BED/ COE/ EDNOS / whatever you want to call it. I thought I would write a blog to give me a kind of project to work on, mainly giving an insight into the Eating Disorders books that I have read and any interesting articles/videos I find. However, there may be some updates on my life and thoughts once in a while. My quest is to understand these disorders, although I know the best I can do is to keep on researching xxx Update (2012): I have now returned to uni.


Pictures (not mine)

Tattoo one taken from: